Carri Twigg

Carri Twigg is a cultural/campaign strategist and a unique millennial voice. She currently consults for youth oriented media companies helping to shape distinct and authentic political world views that will encourage their audiences to be more engaged in the world around them. She served as Special Assistant to President Obama during his administration, overseeing White House efforts to protect the rights of working Americans. She also served as Director of Public Engagement for Vice President Biden. In that role, Carri was a senior advisor to the Vice President and crafted his public-facing work on behalf of the administration. Additionally, Carri served as a White House liaison to the creative community, helping to expand the cultural competencies of the White House beyond its previous dimensions. Carri has built and consulted on strategic cultural movements, including the California-based Schools Not Prisons Tour and the SuperPAC Save The Day with director Joss Whedon, which created multiple viral videos throughout the election. In 2016, Carri worked with VH1 to reprise its iconic “Behind The” franchise, writing and hosting a series looking at issues impacting the 2016 Presidential election titled #BehindTheVote. Her clients include MTV, VH1, AwesomenessTV and Complex News and Fictionless. She has contributed to :ATTN, AwesomenessTV, The Young Turks & Refinery29. @carritwigg

Jim Glaub

JIM GLAUB is a recognized leader in innovative marketing, social media, web design and video production for the theatre and has worked on over fifty Broadway shows.